is a wrapper around Redis connections. It supports opening a
connection using open
or open-on
, reading from and
sending to the connection (using read
and send
respectively), and contains thin wrappers around all Redis commands (everything
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(append r key value)
is a wrapper around the append
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(auth r password)
is a wrapper around the auth
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(bgrewriteaof r)
is a wrapper around the bgrewriteaof
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(bgsave r)
is a wrapper around the bgsave
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(bitcount r key)
is a wrapper around the bitcount
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(bitfield r key)
is a wrapper around the bitfield
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(bitop r operation destkey key)
is a wrapper around the bitop
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(bitpos r key bit)
is a wrapper around the bitpos
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(blpop r key timeout)
is a wrapper around the blpop
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(brpop r key timeout)
is a wrapper around the brpop
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(brpoplpush r source destination timeout)
is a wrapper around the brpoplpush
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(bzpopmax r key timeout)
is a wrapper around the bzpopmax
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(bzpopmin r key timeout)
is a wrapper around the bzpopmin
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(client-getname r)
is a wrapper around the client getname
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(client-id r)
is a wrapper around the client id
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(client-kill r)
is a wrapper around the client kill
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(client-list r)
is a wrapper around the client list
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(client-pause r timeout)
is a wrapper around the client pause
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(client-reply r)
is a wrapper around the client reply
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(client-setname r connection-name)
is a wrapper around the client setname
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(client-unblock r client-id)
is a wrapper around the client unblock
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(cluster-addslots r slot)
is a wrapper around the cluster addslots
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(cluster-bumpepoch r)
is a wrapper around the cluster bumpepoch
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(cluster-count-failure-reports r node-id)
is a wrapper around the cluster count failure reports
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(cluster-countkeysinslot r slot)
is a wrapper around the cluster countkeysinslot
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(cluster-delslots r slot)
is a wrapper around the cluster delslots
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(cluster-failover r)
is a wrapper around the cluster failover
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(cluster-flushslots r)
is a wrapper around the cluster flushslots
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(cluster-forget r node-id)
is a wrapper around the cluster forget
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(cluster-getkeysinslot r slot count)
is a wrapper around the cluster getkeysinslot
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(cluster-info r)
is a wrapper around the cluster info
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(cluster-keyslot r key)
is a wrapper around the cluster keyslot
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(cluster-meet r ip port)
is a wrapper around the cluster meet
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(cluster-myid r)
is a wrapper around the cluster myid
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(cluster-nodes r)
is a wrapper around the cluster nodes
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(cluster-replicas r node-id)
is a wrapper around the cluster replicas
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(cluster-replicate r node-id)
is a wrapper around the cluster replicate
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(cluster-reset r)
is a wrapper around the cluster reset
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(cluster-saveconfig r)
is a wrapper around the cluster saveconfig
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(cluster-set-config-epoch r config-epoch)
is a wrapper around the cluster set config epoch
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(cluster-setslot r slot)
is a wrapper around the cluster setslot
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(cluster-slaves r node-id)
is a wrapper around the cluster slaves
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(cluster-slots r)
is a wrapper around the cluster slots
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(command r)
is a wrapper around the command
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(command-count r)
is a wrapper around the command count
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(command-getkeys r)
is a wrapper around the command getkeys
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(command-info r command-name)
is a wrapper around the command info
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(config-get r parameter)
is a wrapper around the config get
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(config-resetstat r)
is a wrapper around the config resetstat
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(config-rewrite r)
is a wrapper around the config rewrite
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(config-set r parameter value)
is a wrapper around the config set
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(dbsize r)
is a wrapper around the dbsize
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(debug-object r key)
is a wrapper around the debug object
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(debug-segfault r)
is a wrapper around the debug segfault
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(decr r key)
is a wrapper around the decr
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(decrby r key decrement)
is a wrapper around the decrby
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(del r key)
is a wrapper around the del
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(discard r)
is a wrapper around the discard
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(dump r key)
is a wrapper around the dump
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(echo r message)
is a wrapper around the echo
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(eval r script numkeys key)
is a wrapper around the eval
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(evalsha r sha1 numkeys key)
is a wrapper around the evalsha
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(exec r)
is a wrapper around the exec
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(exists r key)
is a wrapper around the exists
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(expire r key seconds)
is a wrapper around the expire
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(expireat r key timestamp)
is a wrapper around the expireat
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(flushall r)
is a wrapper around the flushall
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(flushdb r)
is a wrapper around the flushdb
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d, e] (Result RESP String))
(geoadd r key longitude latitude member)
is a wrapper around the geoadd
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(geodist r key member1 member2)
is a wrapper around the geodist
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(geohash r key member)
is a wrapper around the geohash
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(geopos r key member)
is a wrapper around the geopos
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d, e] (Result RESP String))
(georadius r key longitude latitude radius)
is a wrapper around the georadius
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(georadiusbymember r key member radius)
is a wrapper around the georadiusbymember
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(get r key)
is a wrapper around the get
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(getbit r key offset)
is a wrapper around the getbit
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(getrange r key start end)
is a wrapper around the getrange
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(getset r key value)
is a wrapper around the getset
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(hdel r key field)
is a wrapper around the hdel
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(hexists r key field)
is a wrapper around the hexists
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(hget r key field)
is a wrapper around the hget
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(hgetall r key)
is a wrapper around the hgetall
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(hincrby r key field increment)
is a wrapper around the hincrby
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(hincrbyfloat r key field increment)
is a wrapper around the hincrbyfloat
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(hkeys r key)
is a wrapper around the hkeys
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(hlen r key)
is a wrapper around the hlen
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(hmget r key field)
is a wrapper around the hmget
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(hmset r key field value)
is a wrapper around the hmset
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(hscan r key cursor)
is a wrapper around the hscan
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(hset r key field value)
is a wrapper around the hset
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(hsetnx r key field value)
is a wrapper around the hsetnx
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(hstrlen r key field)
is a wrapper around the hstrlen
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(hvals r key)
is a wrapper around the hvals
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(incr r key)
is a wrapper around the incr
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(incrby r key increment)
is a wrapper around the incrby
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(incrbyfloat r key increment)
is a wrapper around the incrbyfloat
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(info r)
is a wrapper around the info
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(keys r pattern)
is a wrapper around the keys
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(lastsave r)
is a wrapper around the lastsave
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(latency-doctor r)
is a wrapper around the latency doctor
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(latency-graph r event)
is a wrapper around the latency graph
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(latency-help r)
is a wrapper around the latency help
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(latency-history r event)
is a wrapper around the latency history
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(latency-latest r)
is a wrapper around the latency latest
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(latency-reset r)
is a wrapper around the latency reset
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(lindex r key index)
is a wrapper around the lindex
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d, e] (Result RESP String))
(linsert r key w pivot element)
is a wrapper around the linsert
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(llen r key)
is a wrapper around the llen
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(lolwut r)
is a wrapper around the lolwut
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(lpop r key)
is a wrapper around the lpop
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(lpush r key element)
is a wrapper around the lpush
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(lpushx r key element)
is a wrapper around the lpushx
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(lrange r key start stop)
is a wrapper around the lrange
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(lrem r key count element)
is a wrapper around the lrem
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(lset r key index element)
is a wrapper around the lset
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(ltrim r key start stop)
is a wrapper around the ltrim
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(memory-doctor r)
is a wrapper around the memory doctor
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(memory-help r)
is a wrapper around the memory help
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(memory-malloc-stats r)
is a wrapper around the memory malloc stats
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(memory-purge r)
is a wrapper around the memory purge
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(memory-stats r)
is a wrapper around the memory stats
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(memory-usage r key)
is a wrapper around the memory usage
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(mget r key)
is a wrapper around the mget
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d, e, f] (Result RESP String))
(migrate r host port key destination-db timeout)
is a wrapper around the migrate
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(module-list r)
is a wrapper around the module list
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(module-load r path)
is a wrapper around the module load
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(module-unload r name)
is a wrapper around the module unload
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(monitor r)
is a wrapper around the monitor
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(move r key db)
is a wrapper around the move
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(mset r key value)
is a wrapper around the mset
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(msetnx r key value)
is a wrapper around the msetnx
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(multi r)
is a wrapper around the multi
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(object r subcommand)
is a wrapper around the object
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref String a)] (Result Redis String))
(open host)
opens the connection to Redis on port 6379.
For variable port numbers please check out open-on
(Fn [(Ref String a), Int] (Result Redis String))
(open-on host port)
opens the connection to Redis on port port
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(persist r key)
is a wrapper around the persist
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(pexpire r key milliseconds)
is a wrapper around the pexpire
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(pexpireat r key milliseconds-timestamp)
is a wrapper around the pexpireat
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(pfadd r key element)
is a wrapper around the pfadd
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(pfcount r key)
is a wrapper around the pfcount
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(pfmerge r destkey sourcekey)
is a wrapper around the pfmerge
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(ping r)
is a wrapper around the ping
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(psetex r key milliseconds value)
is a wrapper around the psetex
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(psubscribe r pattern)
is a wrapper around the psubscribe
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(psync r replicationid offset)
is a wrapper around the psync
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(pttl r key)
is a wrapper around the pttl
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(publish r channel message)
is a wrapper around the publish
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(pubsub r subcommand)
is a wrapper around the pubsub
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(punsubscribe r)
is a wrapper around the punsubscribe
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(quit r)
is a wrapper around the quit
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(randomkey r)
is a wrapper around the randomkey
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(readonly r)
is a wrapper around the readonly
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(readwrite r)
is a wrapper around the readwrite
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(rename r key newkey)
is a wrapper around the rename
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(renamenx r key newkey)
is a wrapper around the renamenx
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(replicaof r host port)
is a wrapper around the replicaof
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(restore r key ttl serialized-value)
is a wrapper around the restore
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(role r)
is a wrapper around the role
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(rpop r key)
is a wrapper around the rpop
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(rpoplpush r source destination)
is a wrapper around the rpoplpush
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(rpush r key element)
is a wrapper around the rpush
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(rpushx r key element)
is a wrapper around the rpushx
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(sadd r key member)
is a wrapper around the sadd
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(save r)
is a wrapper around the save
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(scan r cursor)
is a wrapper around the scan
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(scard r key)
is a wrapper around the scard
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(script-debug r mode)
is a wrapper around the script debug
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(script-exists r sha1)
is a wrapper around the script exists
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(script-flush r)
is a wrapper around the script flush
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(script-kill r)
is a wrapper around the script kill
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(script-load r script)
is a wrapper around the script load
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(sdiff r key)
is a wrapper around the sdiff
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(sdiffstore r destination key)
is a wrapper around the sdiffstore
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(select r index)
is a wrapper around the select
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, (Ref (Array RESP) c)] ())
(send r cmd args)
sends the command cmd
with the arguments args
to Redis.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(set r key value)
is a wrapper around the set
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(setbit r key offset value)
is a wrapper around the setbit
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(setex r key seconds value)
is a wrapper around the setex
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(setnx r key value)
is a wrapper around the setnx
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(setrange r key offset value)
is a wrapper around the setrange
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(shutdown r)
is a wrapper around the shutdown
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(sinter r key)
is a wrapper around the sinter
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(sinterstore r destination key)
is a wrapper around the sinterstore
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(sismember r key member)
is a wrapper around the sismember
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(slaveof r host port)
is a wrapper around the slaveof
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(slowlog r subcommand)
is a wrapper around the slowlog
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(smembers r key)
is a wrapper around the smembers
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(smove r source destination member)
is a wrapper around the smove
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(sort r key)
is a wrapper around the sort
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(spop r key)
is a wrapper around the spop
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(srandmember r key)
is a wrapper around the srandmember
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(srem r key member)
is a wrapper around the srem
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(sscan r key cursor)
is a wrapper around the sscan
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(strlen r key)
is a wrapper around the strlen
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(subscribe r channel)
is a wrapper around the subscribe
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(sunion r key)
is a wrapper around the sunion
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(sunionstore r destination key)
is a wrapper around the sunionstore
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(swapdb r index1 index2)
is a wrapper around the swapdb
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(sync r)
is a wrapper around the sync
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(time r)
is a wrapper around the time
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(touch r key)
is a wrapper around the touch
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(ttl r key)
is a wrapper around the ttl
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(type r key)
is a wrapper around the type
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(unlink r key)
is a wrapper around the unlink
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(unsubscribe r)
is a wrapper around the unsubscribe
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(unwatch r)
is a wrapper around the unwatch
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [Redis, (Ref (Fn [Socket] Socket a) b)] Redis)
updates the sock
property of a Redis
using a function f
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(wait r numreplicas timeout)
is a wrapper around the wait
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(watch r key)
is a wrapper around the watch
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(xack r key group ID)
is a wrapper around the xack
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d, e] (Result RESP String))
(xadd r key ID field value)
is a wrapper around the xadd
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d, e, f] (Result RESP String))
(xclaim r key group consumer min-idle-time ID)
is a wrapper around the xclaim
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(xdel r key ID)
is a wrapper around the xdel
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(xgroup r)
is a wrapper around the xgroup
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(xinfo r)
is a wrapper around the xinfo
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(xlen r key)
is a wrapper around the xlen
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(xpending r key group)
is a wrapper around the xpending
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(xrange r key start end)
is a wrapper around the xrange
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a)] (Result RESP String))
(xread r)
is a wrapper around the xread
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(xreadgroup r GROUP group consumer)
is a wrapper around the xreadgroup
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(xrevrange r key end start)
is a wrapper around the xrevrange
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(xtrim r key MAXLEN count)
is a wrapper around the xtrim
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(zadd r key)
is a wrapper around the zadd
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(zcard r key)
is a wrapper around the zcard
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(zcount r key min max)
is a wrapper around the zcount
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(zincrby r key increment member)
is a wrapper around the zincrby
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(zinterstore r destination numkeys key)
is a wrapper around the zinterstore
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(zlexcount r key min max)
is a wrapper around the zlexcount
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(zpopmax r key)
is a wrapper around the zpopmax
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b] (Result RESP String))
(zpopmin r key)
is a wrapper around the zpopmin
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(zrange r key start stop)
is a wrapper around the zrange
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(zrangebylex r key min max)
is a wrapper around the zrangebylex
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(zrangebyscore r key min max)
is a wrapper around the zrangebyscore
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(zrank r key member)
is a wrapper around the zrank
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(zrem r key member)
is a wrapper around the zrem
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(zremrangebylex r key min max)
is a wrapper around the zremrangebylex
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(zremrangebyrank r key start stop)
is a wrapper around the zremrangebyrank
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(zremrangebyscore r key min max)
is a wrapper around the zremrangebyscore
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(zrevrange r key start stop)
is a wrapper around the zrevrange
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(zrevrangebylex r key max min)
is a wrapper around the zrevrangebylex
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(zrevrangebyscore r key max min)
is a wrapper around the zrevrangebyscore
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(zrevrank r key member)
is a wrapper around the zrevrank
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(zscan r key cursor)
is a wrapper around the zscan
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c] (Result RESP String))
(zscore r key member)
is a wrapper around the zscore
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.
(Fn [(Ref Redis a), b, c, d] (Result RESP String))
(zunionstore r destination numkeys key)
is a wrapper around the zunionstore
Redis command.
It takes the same arguments as the Redis command.