
is a high-level wrapper around zlib.


(load "git@git.veitheller.de:carpentry/zlib.git@0.0.2")


The ZLib module provides only two functions, inflate and deflate. These functions work in tandem to provide you with data compression.

; deflate returns a Result of either binary data or an error message
(let [deflated (ZLib.deflate "mystring")]
  (match deflated
    ; inflate returns a Result of either a string or an error message
    (Success bin) (println* &(inflate bin))
    (Error msg) (IO.errorln &msg)))

Because it’s a Result type, we can apply combinators to it.

(=> (ZLib.deflate "mystring")
    (Result.and-then &ZLib.inflate)
    (Result.map-error &(fn [msg] (do (println* &msg) msg)))

You can also choose different levels of compression using inflate-with. The levels are defined in ZLib.ZLevel, and are NoCompression, BestSpeed, BestCompression, and DefaultCompression, which is, well, the default.




is a type used in conjunction with deflate-with. It controls the compression level.

The constructors are NoCompression, BestSpeed, BestCompression, and DefaultCompression, which is, well, the default.



(Fn [(Ref String a)] (Result ZLib.ZBytes String))

                        (deflate s)

takes a bytes object s and returns a Result.

The Result will be a Success containing the deflated bytes if all goes well, and an Error returning an error message otherwise.

It is equivalent to calling deflate-with with (ZLevel.DefaultCompression).



(Fn [(Ref String a), ZLib.ZLevel] (Result ZLib.ZBytes String))

                        (deflate-with s level)

takes a bytes object s, a Zlevel level and returns a Result.

The Result will be a Success containing the deflated bytes if all goes well, and an Error returning an error message otherwise.



(Fn [ZLib.ZBytes] (Result String String))

                        (inflate s)

takes a bytes object s and returns a Result.

The Result will be a Success containing the inflated string if all goes well, and an Error returning an error message otherwise.